DEWA, as we call him, is born 1975 lives and works in a small village on Bali together with his family and 2 girls. His full name is I Dewa Agung Gede Darmawan. Dewa does not speak English and therefore communication is at times a challenge.

But when it comes to his paintings, communication is not an issue! His paintings talk for themselves. With many layers of color and his unique technique he creates artwork with an incredible expression.

Often his paintings show people from his village in various life situations, big families or group going after their trade. Please pay specific attention to the faces of the people he paints – all have a very individual expressions and their thoughts can almost be guessed.


Name: I Dewa Agung Gede Darmawan

Date of Birth: 14th January 1975

Education: STSI (University Plastic Art)

Coming soon

Coming soon

“Adanya jalinan antara sesama, binatang, tumbuh tumbuhan,alam dan Tuhan akan dapat menimbulkan kedamaian.”

(“The existence of a relationship between people, animals, plants, nature and God can lead to peace.”)